Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sample Of Text Speech By Ceo

Erica Spindler - In the shadow of the murderer

Original Title: See Jane the
Publisher: Mira Paperback (January 2011)

jealousy, rivalry, passion and a mortal woman between confidence and instability.

Janes luck collapses like a house of cards: threatening letters is back with the man who had killed many years ago almost. Will he complete his work? Put it behind the recent murders of women? Or does Jane really are afraid of her own husband? For the police, he suspects. But what role does Jane's half-sister, Stacey, the investigation leads? She wanted to have long time to avenge his sister, who seemed to be in life always on the sunny side. So if Jane can still trust? It goes to war - for their lives and for their love. ...
source of blurb and cover: Mira Paperback

My opinion:
Jane is happy - she has married a wonderful man who is expecting a baby and is very successful as a professional artist. But in a few minutes break their luck: her husband Ian was arrested for murder! The investigation is conducted of all of her sister Stacy, with whom she has been a poor relationship has all the million because Jane inherited from her grandmother and Stacy empty-handed.

Stacy and her new partner Mac are facing a conundrum: Three murders of women in a short time and all the evidence on the white Dr. Ian Westbrook, the husband of her sister Jane back. The longer they identify, the more incriminating evidence, they find not only the case falls into an emotional Stacy chaos, but also her partner Mac. The sexy Cop strong publishers awakens her

Meanwhile fights. Jane, with fears that years ago she was injured by a racing boat hard. For the investigators had an accident, but Jane from the beginning suspected that it was deliberate and come back again one day the perpetrator would be to end cruel game. Since Ian's arrest, she now receives frightening letters with info rations, and they only knew the perpetrator. is found

When finally even Jane's assistant Ted dead in her studio, she knows she must unmask the madman quickly. Plug her husband Ian really behind the whole thing? If he married her just for the money? Or will avenge her half-sister Stacy on her because she had Jane, the perfect life?

incredibly exciting Psycho Trill by Erica Spindler, a champion in this field. Even with this Novel keeps its readers with breathing. Hardly be said to have found a solution, as it leads the reader astray again. The author surprised with exciting twists and ties with an exciting style of writing. The many short chapters rather fly as this and the more than 450 pages provide the finest romantic suspence entertainment.

Part 1: In the shadow of the murderer
Part 2: Playing with death

5 out of 5 points

What Kind Of Cat Has Dark Green Eyes

Escape V - the organization of the illusory world

How can we be in captivity, where it could not be seen prison? We live in a free world, in the west it's at its best, everyone knows this How could we be slaves, even though we are free citizens? The idea is absurd. I may even voting and elections, I have the freedom to choose between all that is there, it's a free country.

What does it mean, I should see yourself, but where I already had an identity card? I have a name. I know who I am, I see myself in the mirror. And what that means, I will search for God? I know that he either did not or somewhere up there in heaven. But we live in the here and now, in reality. And since "God" is really not relevant, a thousand things' is important. it is all rubbish which is noicons employed here.

Somewhere in the inside but everyone can feel that we are actually prisoners. In an artificial system integration, which we used, exploited controlled and dominated. The article series' The Great Escape "deals with this fact and want to find out how this works, as is possible what is behind it, as we happens. The illusory world is nothing tangible, so a contribution is made on this issue inevitably abstract and hypothetical. Because of the complexity of the system is also the subject of this review can not deal conclusively with more to follow parts.

I have come to the conclusion is that the elitist sham world order only one version of reality and küstliche order, which works only through cooperation, and whose only desire the will of Satan is: the will to power.

To successfully implement this, must be first destroyed the original order. This is done by deliberately produced chaos, it is Satan's rebellion against God. Chaos, the previous order on its head, disturbs and interrupts the line with the origin, and therefore the relationship between Creator and creature creation. We are dealing with what I call this illusory world, and which is our prison. The Luciferian reorganization drives a wedge between Creator and creature, between the creature and creation, and the relationship thus created chaos creates the apparent need to establish a new order: the elitist power structure in which we find ourselves. As a newcomer to get this world You can almost hear soon: "This is just so". I am not prepared to accept that.

believe world: YOU catch us in their game

With 'fake world' I mean a room that is artificial. an artificial order of things that will work under their rules and take total control of the people and thus about the world (the game ) ultimately makes. For this purpose, the individual must be integrated into a system, cooperation is required. The total control is not possible in the physical context, one can not lock up all people. Also, the elitist power mongers are compared to the mass of the goyim in predicament Outnumbered. So it is ensured that the self-ruled locked up. The collection takes place mentally, on the awareness level, we must gain control over what people think.

I hope not to be too abstract, but the shape of the illusory world, the frame of the action is, a pyramid, which itself is an expression of elitist / satanic will that dominates this world: the will to power.

And to understand the Satanic / Luciferian system as ever "into being" can be, you should be aware of the intention behind the whole game, which forced us is: Satan wants to be God. is why it necessary in banish God from the life (ie consciousness), and install for a replacement. This is the basic principle of the NWO, the objective of the godless, secular realignment is the culmination of the anti-Christ as king of the world.

We are indeed in a 'Matrix', an artificial world of illusion, which is maintained by mind control. And although us through - we realize their game: reality is created in the mind. Therefore, control of consciousness is the way to power, and best of all, it is invisible! It is used in more complex ways to control the masses, and allows It lead to a small elite of elect a separated, fine life. At the expense of all others, to the detriment of the livestock.

mind control . It happens unconsciously, it is "completely normal". And before one can even think for themselves, he is already fully integrated into this system, this illusory world to an elitist concept. To name a few - we believe to be really free, while we are in captivity. We believe democracy is freedom, and "free" (off) to select the ultimate proof to that. We believe the people have the power and state power, political parties and were Volksvetreter necessary to maintain law and order. We believe that there are "churches" and a power clique in Rome in fact represents God on earth. We believe that the money actually has a value, and it is the most sensible at all, time to exchange their lives for it. We believe state power actually has the right to make laws, within which man has to behave normally. That goes without saying! So where would we be! Only have to think about it is crazy! I think the law is the people placed in my heart and everyone knows exactly what is right and wrong. A real country people do not want to dominate, but perfect. This form of government does not exist. God-related preambles in constitutions are nothing but hypocrisy. Governments are not a people there, but to control it, a superorder of Representatives is caused by the subordination of the people.

It belongs to manipulate the people to be uncertain of his true nature. This is necessary because no one knows the truth lies choosers. It is necessary because no one can cleave to two masters: the satanic elite wants us to play their game, about to disappear, the true Lord of the Bewussstsein. Understood why the illusory world is a godless reality? The subsequent section likely (unfounded) trigger new age alarm, so I would like to say that all my thoughts in this direction is based on my perception and interpretation of the Christ teaching. And here too, as in all my posts: I would not convince you of my views, or believe in doing something, no one has to be here my opinion, this is not ASR. I would suggest to think, give an example, nothing more.

Since the system of power 'imaginary world' (as part of captivity) about mind control works, and the masters of the world very well about the relationship between the Creator (Christ) and creature (human) decision know (as they preach the ruled notabene godless materialism), it is necessary in my opinion, Adam and Eve to visit.

allows the establishment of the people to compare roughly with a bottle of wine: the physical body corresponds to the glass bottle, he serves as a body and support, to isolated storage, transport. But the bottle is not the essential, it does not exist for its own sake. Their existence serves the purpose of the Interior and its nature is such that they take the interior well and bear in themselves can. The soul of man corresponds to the grape juice is in the bottle. And as the bottle in the exterior, so also the grape juice inside the body and carrier as well. However, on another, on a finer level: the body of the wine (grape juice) carries with it, making the wine first, to what it is: Wine-Spirit. And so it is in humans - the outer body is the residence of the soul and the soul in turn serves as the spiritual spark vessel that makes every creature in the depths of life, by the will of the Creator Spirit.

I mean, that's all easy to grasp. What the people only makes the people is the living spirit lives in him and revives him. Spirit is life and the physical man is a vessel for life. And if the vessel breaks down one day, then does the soul again. Loses its insulating involvement in the three-dimensional, material world of illusion (space / time). This really is no drama, so speaks from the fear of death and nothing but blind vanity.

In addition to my view of things into consideration: is matter in all its forms illusion, the physical body is part of the illusion. All that really exists is within us. We spiritual creatures because the creators are the same Spirit. Reality is created in the mind, and realized by faith. Any physical phenomenon can only be an image, a counterpart to this realization, which takes place in consciousness.

to see we need light, and the light is within us. Without this light we are blind by day, because no one can "outdoor" see something that had not previously been inside there. No one can see what he can not see, and the brighter it is in a human, the more he can see in the world. The soul has eyes and can thus see things that keep the body eye. Some say "I only believe what I see and hear," and they speak the truth because they are blind. You can not see them because they do not want to see. This whole fake world, this version of reality in which we are trapped, only be such as we procured, they are equal, are the Bewustseinszustand where we are.

And unfortunately, we are in a hellish state, that is the problem. It is a condition in which we will hineinmanipuliert, we are influenced so as to behave like animals, like to think animals like to be animals. For EXACTLY are we for the men in the world who feel superior to our one and naturally dispose of the planet Earth, its resources and traditional peoples: we are cattle to them.

us control by an artificial, created illusory world outdoor (shown day in and day out, for example through the media, through all the pseudo-world channels - but again: the realization of the situation takes place only in the mind, it's about mind control), in which we are perfectly normal and reasonable under interprate. And then define by the illusory exteriority as part of the production. The system, which makes us slaves in their game by their rules, in their order of things is as perfect as perfidious. A masterpiece on the basis of collective unconsciousness. And before I even lose a thousand words (continues in Part VI) :

The basic condition for slavery by the slaves believe in freedom to be, is ignorance. Mental derangement. And this darkness is created by separating light, ie. God banished from consciousness. This is the prerequisite for the successful installation of an illusory world, the "freedom" offers, based on lies, violence and oppression.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Quotes About Peace, From Hispanics

Fun Factory - Close to you

Friday, March 4, 2011

Quotes Lamp Lighting Ceremony

Matia Bazar - Ti Sento

Ontario Tenancy Agreement

Small Press Review with "friday"

For the first time I opened today's spam filter of the comment area are, to my surprise, two stuck. Both were rescued and released in full - a winter wonderland! One referred to the Astana review and raised the question of whether I maybe with "Synchronicity" Synchronicity mean. Now. just how it is! The term has been adapted, at least in the register, thanks for the hint.

It is now almost a tradition, a view of the Free 'Lifestyle' magazine "Friday". Friday's Child by "20 Minutes" (Tamedia) is published weekly with a circulation of 172 000 copies, especially This is not so much.

Ah yes, a round glasses. Highlight the current issue in my opinion, nothing remarkable.

other on the back, a profession of faith! I'm touched. Advertising from Levi's.

"We believe in the perfect fit"

each his own stop. If you want, it's not a fairy tale.

Expect no depth, I just fly by the book. And actually, this publication is not worth all the attention. Especially since it is suspected gay in this booklet Train and leaf through it every now and then rauszureissen page; rumzutragen the whole issue, however, feels like a bouquet of flowers in his hands, and a bag I got my habit for some time, what can you do ...

nothing for nothing 'in any case, a certain value my opinion as well. zeitgeist. It reflects somehow, it reflects a "lifestyle" again. The worship and glorification of the vain, consumer-based, self-empty.

So (and similarly vary, objects), the next issue will be announced in each edition of the newspaper. The reference to the mirror-symmetrical high altar is obvious.

The illumination of the image is bad, but you can see around the table a checkerboard pattern, above the slogan "Thank God its friday" along with folded hands. About Satanic symbols / equivalents / symbols in this magazine I've been left out in past articles, I look out at the moment may not (will possibly later). Mirror-symmetrical arrangement, we see two columns (candles), there is even still the third pillar (rear left) and antlers (back right), a reference Baphomet. Always with Hihi, wink and meant not so, because who wants "friday" ultimately take seriously, but it's there.

The design of this recurring advertisement in his own case is undoubtedly inspired occult. And before the objection is, altar setups are also given in churches and not be so satanic - is precisely the point. The doctrine of Christ has no use for an altar, he has no function. For an altar is an occult tool, a system, popular for sacrificial rituals. What is pictured here (above) indicated, is an altar, provided with all sorts of consumer-oriented devotional and the advertising medium in the magazine as adorable object center. Something like I mean by satanic. Something like I my mirror with the zeitgeist.

on an English web page referenced full-bodied, and who just wants to be IN , please . Ahem. Furthermore it is recommended to be interested in a brand called Boy London and crackling nail polish. I am happy about my status IN-note, because Pete Wentz is totally OUT , and I not even know this guy.

Agenda A little information for a fashion-conscious audience,

and we take into Rucksäckli:

"Many people are excited about the fashion Trend and claim it did not matter anymore whether one is male or female. "

This is such a fashion, in fact.

Later in the booklet an advertisement for the album of Oasis-Kyoto group called" Beady Eye ".

" Be the Eye "," Let the eye "to see the logo appropriate symbolism. The initials BE, ie. also" Be. "In the Ishtar-star symbol of the sun. As a pupil, because the background is kept in eye shape, such as the CBS logo (rotated by 90 °).

also refers to the cabins of the "London Eye", the eye of London.

And finally this -

Do You Have To License A Canoe In Ohio

Susan Elizabeth Phillips - This man makes me crazy

title: Natural born charmer
Publisher: Del Rey (October 2007)

"Do you have a gun No, then you are useless??" The last thing Blue Bailey is still missing, this pretty boy in the convertible, offering her his assistance. Finally, it is just sitting by her boyfriend in this cow town has been left and have to earn in a musty beaver costume for an advertising campaign money. Blue does not need a savior, but a weapon - like an earthquake or a volcanic eruption - something that the ex pulverized. Although, if they considered it right, they really need a ride to Texas. Luckily, Dean Robillard also that this vivacious, blond-haired beaver is just right for a wild trip across the U.S. ...

source of blurb and cover: Del Rey

My opinion:
Dean Robillard, a wealthy football star is loved by women and adored the sexy man was not badly astonished when, on the roadside a woman. a beaver costume picks up that is so not interested in him. So he simply asserts that was gay. But Blue Bailey has not fallen on his head and saw through Dean immediately. In her life much good stuff went wrong and now she is broke, has no friends and is stuck in a small town.

Dean, who just recovered from an injury is to build on the way to his newly purchased house around it. But now he accompanied the fascinating Blue, but instead of being alone with her, diving to his mother, his father and his half-sisters and swirl everything confused ....

I've read numerous positive reviews on the novels by Susan Elizabeth Philips, but I can after I read the book did not connect. The beginning of the book may well be even more entertaining, but the book is terrible boring and predictable. The reading was almost a pain and I have ever used for the book, because the wooden book and written is not liquid. The protagonists were not really convincing, the characters remain pale and not be remembered. Whether I will even read a novel by Susan Elizabeth Philips, which is still in the stars.

1.5 of 5 points

Kidde Smoke Alarm 3 Beeping

Pope: The Jews did not Jesus killed

Source:, 0 3 .0 3 .2011

"The World Jewish Congress (World Jewish Congress) welcomed the comments The Pope was. 2000 years after the event is available for comment by the head been the Catholic Church on this matter "really high time," said WJC President Ronald Lauder. " Skip to article

noicons welcomed the remarks of the Pope not at all, Benedict is with all of his cronies, including . his Jewish predecessor John Paul II, a traitor, the papacy is the seat of the coming Antichrist. Very well, the Jews Jesus killed because he told them that is not the father is in heaven their father, but that they elect the devil, his children were.

"It was Jesus who was himself a Jew, by the Roman rulers been executed ",

be announced the Pope. Jesus was a Jew (but Nazarenes), even the Romans had no reason to execute him, because in Jesus they could find nothing wrong. but the Jews, in its entirely on falsehood and hypocrisy permeated Art

"The Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday with Pope Benedict XVI. thanks for this, that he rejects the thesis of the guilt of the Jews in the death of Jesus. Netanyahu wrote in a letter that he hoped the clarity and courage of the pope's will to strengthen the Christian-Jewish relations around the world lead support and for coming generations of peace and reconciliation. "

The Pope is not brave but a fucking coward, but even that title is still too much of a good thing, because the Pope is part of the theater, the Jewish world conspiracy. The Jews are to blame, they wanted to kill Jesus, as he himself told his disciples, and Jesus speaks the truth. Jesus speaks the truth when he calls the devil as the father of the Jews. The consolidation of the Christian-Jewish relationship is betrayal, as Christianity and Judaism have no common ground not Jesus is the son of Jehovah. The Jewish revenge God Jehovah is not God, but Lucifer. The Jews were the enemies of Christ, they still are today, as all Satanists - and they despise Christians. I spare you the list here, reports contempt with which the Talmud, the sacred book of the Jews about Jesus.

See also: If Jesus lied as the Pope

See also: Martin Luther - From the Jews and their Lies

Menstruation Cycle Calendar

Occult headquarters 'Bank of America'

Republic: "In the lobby of the headquarters of the "Bank of America" there are fresco paintings contain a lot of occult symbols. Even more disturbing is that this mural events mean a radical change in the world in the not too distant future, predicted. These paintings show a coming new world order occult? We will use the symbols and their meaning more closely " Skip to article

source. Politeia Blog, 03/01/2011

Congratulations Wording For Pregnancy

Julia Quinn - How to Seduce a Lord?

title: An Offer From a Gentleman
Publisher: Mira Paperback (March 2009)

A Masked Ball in the House of rushing Bridgerton. But among all the entertainers, princesses, harlequins Bridgerton Benedict has eyes only for the unknown beauty with sparkling eyes. Sophie also feels that this meeting is the determination - and must still go before the masks fall. What remains is an indelible tendons and Benedict's vow never to open another than they! However, the sample is placed on to the fate of the lovers is fierce and its outcome uncertain.
source of cover and blurb:
: Mira Paperback

My opinion Sophia Beckett
ekes a sad existence, and finally decides to do something and sneaks out of the house of her step-mother to visit a secret masked ball. She wants a few hours of happiness and fun, because otherwise, the young woman for her step-mother and her daughters to work from morning to night.

Bridgerton As Benedict sees the unknown beauty, the sensitive man falls immediately in the beautiful Sophia. He can hardly believe that she managed to leave the ball at midnight without him to give her name. Just keep him on her gloves and begins to find his dream woman.

As Sophia's step-mother of Benedict's search for a mysterious woman finds out she immediately suspected her step-daughter Sophia and throws out of the house. Sophia must flee, can not find them in time Benedict and confessed his love for her?

A beautiful and entertaining love story by Julia Quinn in which she brings her readers back to England to the charming family Bridgerton. I liked this book very much, because it's written very fabulous and very much reminiscent of Cinderella. The characters are as always very friendly and the other members of the family Bridgerton you meet again in this volume. Do not miss it! But one should keep the correct order of the series:

Part 1: As one conquers a Duke?
Part 2: How enchants you have a Viscount?
Part 3: How to Seduce a Lord?
Part 4: Penelope's spicy secret
Part 5: In love, your Eloise
Part 6: A gorgeous villainous Gentleman
Part 7: Midnight diamonds
Part 8: Wedding bells for Lady Lucy

5 out of 5 points

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Ways To Masterbait Without Toys

to strange comment policy at ASR

hats yesterday and the ASR blog 'Freeman' again a comment on my part not done by the control and was consequently not published I will take up this small example, apparently criterion by which to filter the comments in ASR. is allowed that the author's view ('Freeman') stresses the joy is welcome, however, is allowed a different view of things.

In January, a Freeman interview with the Iranian ambassador, and I quote:

" Freeman: What has surprised me in the demonstrations after the recent elections, where did these many posters her suddenly, the very professional and all looked the same, showing also the English proverbs sayings in English were not yet determined for the Iranians, but for the TV viewers in the West

absolutely right This is a very important point, the. would make it more known. These posters were made as propaganda for foreign countries to distort the image of Iran. "

Yesterday ASR published under the title" No foreign intervention in Libya " this post, was the poster hanging up in the image. Obviously, a professionally printed tarpaulin in English. I dared, Freeman point out precisely this fact that a poster would be "the people" probably written by hand, and suspect them professionally printed tarpaulin instead an organization in the backround. absurd?

was any case this view, the ASR in the case of Iran also represents himself (see interview above) already reason enough not to activate the comment. ASR operates a strange policy, seems to follow an agenda, and I would hardly be the only one to which the ASR blog is disgusted with the driven game.

Treating Genital Eczema

Greenpeace: So you collect donations

"Dad, where polar bears actually live?" - ". Unfortunately, only here this is the last."

Ooooooh, and who now feels guilty, may make payment via SMS to Greenpeace this world a little nicer. for example, with 20 francs. "Merci!" . because not only pleases the polar bear.

Viewed today morning in the paper, and still short of our own: at Gaddafi gabs a small supplement, the next message are first on Saturday. Could be a bigger box, but I promise anything.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Spurs After Extraction

Since Monday there We used to have sunshine for that we also have an icy east wind called the Bayernwind.Da we are on the eastern side protected not only back and wide hallway to see is feels cold on this mega wind ..... Sibirien.Dabei how small I wanted to like the garden to finally play a little bit of her winter aufzuräumen.Keine chance it whistles around the corners.
So must I be patient and which therefore has a little something inside my geändert.Einer chandelier has new Lampenschirmchen and two chairs, I have deleted that I do not longer knew that I had the really ..... now it works going slow ... my goodness, o)))
In this sense,
greets you warmly throughout,