I a soft spot for old shoes have especially children's shoes is striking at our home. Everywhere I have some even decorated .... in the guest toilet, two pair.
I am often asked about it where I have the. Most come from the flea market.
A pair (picture # 5) I've bought in Bine's great online shop * Pure * Shabby.
Very funny I found this poem on today's shoe-mail could not fit better. Read
Have fun and very dear greetings sends you your,
Two black shoes
Two black shoes are carelessly in the corner,
long time, they have fulfilled their purpose,
were two feet for a comfortable house, but now
their future seems bleak.
you do not end up in waste,
will turn their fate again?
"We have always done our duty well,
but our commitment can not thank us.
We were always ready to protect the feet, they brought
dry through some puddles, "says the
right shoe and look hard, for over
brother, who thinks as well.
"Our sole is thin, we have a few wrinkles,
but by and large we are well preserved.
A new paragraph and a little gloss
in and it went on to the next dance.
dancing One more time, the If my dream, "sighs softly
the left, you can hear little. The sleep
feet, only the big toe
is still awake, because he hurts the nail.
He hears the complaints of black shoes
and wakes up his brothers from their rest.
"The red shoes are just new, not comfortable,
much too small, a little hard, not at all pleasant, in which geh'n
do not we dance,"
is the opinion of all ten.
eagerly discussed it back and forth to solve the problem probably would like
The big toe, as chairman
says stirred so much support:
"Go we are in red, blue I will,
pain is the lady. "
" And I'll get me corns,
then threatened, according to the little toe.
The heel is thinking: ". But he has courage,
would for me maybe a bubble good"
The plan succeeds, the red stand in the corner, laughing
the toes of the black bold.
The old shoes freshly polished shine,
they know is now marching to the dance.
It was worth the sleepless night,
today is danced until morning at eight.
you hear the music and swing to the beat, the dance fever
it has completely packed.
Without ceasing to slide over Parquet,
and never found an evening was so nice.
The old shoes are young again, and
are always better going.
Then with a Waltz is done to
how it happened, no one has seen.
From left shoe breaks off with a loud bang
sales, nearly one will fall.
We hear someone ask softly,
"May I now in their hands?"
She blushes easily, because it is their flock
and is based firmly on his arm.
He leads them to the table, and soon, through life.
thank you's to chance, so it is.
But deep under the bed in peace, satisfied smile
two black shoes.
of © vivi
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