Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Congratulatory Phrases Samples For

A place to stay ***

Today I show you one of my favorite place where I dwell very much ... a little Weiher.Hier we spend a lot of common Stunden.Da my husband and my son have to fish as a hobby, I enjoy the same Ruhe.Wie thoughtless I can sit here at this bridge and ever schauen.Fische in the turquoise-blue water, dragonflies and other small aquatic creatures enrich this body of water.
Did you also a particular favorite place?


He is so quiet in the morning light
So peaceful, like a pious conscience
If vest kissing his mirror,
flower on the bank it does not feel;
dragonflies tremble about him,
Blaugoldne rods and carmine,
And the sun's image shine
The water spider leads the dance;
iris ring on the shore is
And listens the reeds lullaby;
is a soothing murmur and goes,
As whisper's Peace! Peace! Peace! -

The greetings from nature sends you,

Addendum: I would so like to be in the background of my blog a Musik.Kann anyone?


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